
Young Writers Society

Chicken Fried Rice #4

by Jules the jester

Strangely Part four dissappeared from the forums. So i have had to put it back up. Anyway enjoy


Jon sat in the passenger seat of his dads Jag. ‘Hurt’ by Johnny Cash was playing, luckily Jon enjoyed this song, but he didn’t enjoy his fathers singing.

“So what you wanna do?” Jon asked his father.

“Bowling, I can thrash you again.” Jon laughed. His father, like his mum, was tall but he had black hair and a friendly open face.

“I doubt it. You’re getting old.” Jon always teased his father about his age.

“Ah, the ignorance of youth. I may not have the strength or stamina I did ten years ago, but I do have the wisdom to beat you.” Jon laughed even louder.

“What the hell does wisdom have to do with bowling? I think you’re getting a bit senile now-a-days Dad.” A mobile began ringing. Jon removed his from his pocket. It wasn’t his.

Jon watched his dad hit the little answer button on his hands free kit.

Turning his ears off Jon looked out the window, other cars on the road drove past. After five minutes Jon’s dad turned the car around.

“Sorry Jon, I have to go into work.” Jon’s eyes shot to his fathers face.

“Why? You only just got home today.”

“A lot of money has gone missing and they want my help in deciding how to spread the remaining money between ventures.”

Jon could tell his father was upset about having to go in, and as much as it hurt Jon he knew yelling at his father would just upset him more.

“You better get home for dinner. If you don’t mum will kick your ass!”

“There’s a thought I don’t like much. I’ll call your mum and get her to move the booking for the table forward an hour.” Jon nodded. “I heard you made a new friend.”

Jon was taken aback by the statement. He hadn’t told his father. Craig.

“Yeah I did.” Jon looked at his dad who was grinning slyly.

“Why don’t I drop you off at her house, you two can go out somewhere.”

Jon turned away so his dad couldn’t see the smile spread across his face. His father was too obvious when trying to be subtle.

“Nah, that’s all right, I left my wallet at home.”

“I’ll give you twenty quid, you should go out and have fun.” Jon nodded and his father smiled. “Where does this lady friend of yours live then?”


Jon waved as his father drove off. Walking along the thin garden path he knocked upon Nikki’s door. He waited a few moments and was about to knock again when the door opened. Nikki stood there, a smile upon her beautiful face.


“Hey.” Nikki smiled at him.

“Wanna do something?” Nikki looked like she was thinking. Jon was getting anxious after a few moments.

“Ok.” She waved her arm to signal that Jon should enter. “I’ll just grab my hoody and leave a note for my dad.” She disappeared up the stairs and left Jon standing there for a moment.

How crazy must he seem? He had only just met her yesterday, he must look like a stalker. Jon shook the thoughts from his head, telling himself he was being stupid. Nikki ran down the stairs, smiled at Jon and ran into the kitchen. Jon stood waiting.

She arrived back wearing a bright multi-coloured hoody. Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper from the small table she wrote a brief note and ended it with two kisses.

“Let’s go.” She basically pushed Jon out of the house and closed the door behind them.

“What do you want to do?”

“Well because you came round my house, I believe I should come round yours.”

“Ok but…”

“And you will have to make me lunch.” Jon laughed. Nikki punched him playfully in the arm.

“Ah, now we have a problem.”

“And what is that?” Nikki demanded, putting on the voice of a teacher.

“I can’t cook.” Jon smiled. Nikki sighed.

“I suppose I’ll have to teach you.” They walked along in a comfortable silence.

Nikki waved to a friend from school. Jon prayed they wouldn’t come over and thankfully God was listening today.

“I thought you were spending today with your Dad.”

“I was, but he had to go to work. Some emergency or something.” Nikki stopped and wrapped her arms around Jon. She stayed like this for a few seconds, then un-entangled herself.

“Did that make you feel better?”

“I wasn’t upset.” Jon tried to bluff. He knew before it left his mouth that it was pathetic.

“Yes, you were. Last night you sounded so excited about your dad coming home. Now you sound like Droopy.” Jon shook his head unsure as to what he should say.

“So come on, did it make you feel better?”

“Yes. Thank you.” Jon admitted.

“No need to thank me. You cheered me up last night and I thought I should do the same for you.” They walked in silence until they arrived at Jon’s house. Nikki looked up at it with awe.

“You live here?” She asked.

“No, I stay in the shed round the back.” Nikki’s fist connected with Jon’s arm.

“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you!” Jon unlocked the door.

Marc came running down the stairs, realised it was Jon and began yapping. Nikki barged past Jon, knelt down and began petting Marc.

“Want a drink?” Jon asked Nikki.

“Yes please.” She replied without looking at him.

“If you go up the stairs you will see another set, go up them. The door opposite is my bedroom, go into the room on the left.” Nikki nodded and ran up the stairs. She never seemed to walk up them, Jon noticed. Marc happily followed her.

Jon entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, removing two cans of coke he grabbed a couple of glasses from the dishwasher and moved away. Walking up the stairs he could hear Nikki talking to Marc.

“This is a big house isn’t it, Little Doggy.” Jon smiled. Entering his sitting room Jon clumped down on his black sofa and handed a coke and glass to Nikki.

“Welcome to my humble abode.”

“Humble my ass. This place is huge.” Nikki put emphasis on huge. “Is this your own floor?” Jon nodded.

“That is so cool.”

“It isn’t. It gets lonely up here by yourself,” Jon spoke whilst opening his can. “Plus it doesn’t actually feel like mine. My bedroom back home was covered in posters and stuff, but here the walls are bare.”

“Well we will sort that out. I have some posters I don’t want anymore.” Nikki put the can to her lips. Marc decided that now would be the perfect time to gain some attention. He jumped onto Nikki’s lap just at the point she began to drink. Nikki squealed and Marc leapt instantly off but the damage had been done. Nikki was covered in the sticky, sugary substance that was coke.

“I have a t-shirt you can borrow.” Nikki nodded whilst wiping the worst of it off.

Going into his bedroom Jon pulled the drawer open and searched through for an appropriate t-shirt. He found just the one. Turning he found Nikki standing in the doorway. She stepped in smiling.

“Thanks.” She took the shirt from Jon’s hand and waited. Jon just stood there. “You need to leave before I can change.”

“Oh yeah,” Jon left the room closing the door. “If you need anything just call.”

“Ok.” Jon sighed and moved back into the sitting room where he sat. Marc looked at him with innocent eyes.

Jon kicked his shoes off, aiming one at Marc who skipped nimbly out of the way. For an old dog he was definitely still agile. Marc proudly trotted out of the room and Jon heard him run down the stairs.

Picking up the remote he turned the television on. He flicked through until something that looked half decent came on. A sound from behind him made Jon turn. Nikki stood in the doorway, a look upon her face that reminded Jon of his stern grandmother after he had broken a vase. She wore a black t-shirt with white letters.

“Is this some kind of comment about me?” She demanded of him, pointing at the words. The lettering spelt out, Fat Chicks Need Love Too. Jon knew he was grinning like a mad man

“No, that is the only t-shirt I own that would fit you.” And fit it did, it hugged all her curves showing off her figure.

She huffed, obviously not satisfied with Jon’s excuse. She sat next to him. They watched the TV. It was some weird film about two bank robbers who get caught and sent to jail.

“I’m hungry, Jonathan.” Nikki’s hand was beside Jon’s on the sofa.

“Ah well we shall have to do something about that.” Looking down Jon was tempted to move his hand and hold hers, but held back. Nikki said something but Jon was still contemplating the move.

“Are you listening to me?” Jon shook his head.

“Sorry. I was thinking. Come on, I will make you a sandwich.” He leapt over the back of the sofa and headed down stairs. Nikki followed him closely.

Marc was asleep in his basket in the Kitchen and didn’t look fondly upon

Nikki and Jon disturbing his sleep. Jon moved towards him and he growled aggressively. Jon frowned at his dog, as good friends as they were Marc did not like anybody interrupting his afternoon naps. But for some unknown and frankly strange reason Nikki was an exception to that rule. Marc saw her and couldn’t move quick enough to her feet.

“Marc, you’re a Judas.” The dog seemed completely unbothered by Jon’s comment. “I feed you and you don’t even show me that sort of affection.”

Nikki laughed and picked up Marc. Another thing Marc had only let Jon do once or twice.

Pulling a loaf of bread from the cupboard and some chorizo sausage from the fridge, Jon began making a sandwich.

“What’s that red stuff?” Jon picked up a slice.

“It’s chorizo, here taste it.” Nikki opened her mouth. Marc was still in her arms so Jon had to feed it to her. She chewed then swallowed.

“Mmm. Make me a sandwich of that, please.” She smiled sweetly at Jon.

“With a smile that like how can I refuse?” Jon turned back to the art of sandwich making. Nikki giggle.

It was unlike the other times Jon had heard her laugh, this time it was shyer. Putting the sandwiches onto a plates Jon took them to the table.

Nikki joined him and they sat close together. They ate the sandwiches in silence, but for some obscure reason it was uncomfortable. After finishing them they went up stairs back to Jon’s sitting room. A chilling wind blew in from the open window making Nikki shiver. The sitting room was freezing and this led to Nikki moving closer to Jon. Jon didn’t know how long they sat like that in the silent room before Nikki spoke.

“I like you Jon.”

“I like you too.” They fell silent again for a couple more minutes.

Jon looked down into her eyes. Taking her hand Jon held it in his, interlocking fingers. He moved his head towards hers. He closed his eyes and felts his lips connect to hers. Jon felt his heart beat speed up. Nikki squeezed Jon’s hand. Jon could taste her lip gloss. Strawberry, he was positive of it. Nikki’s mouth parted and they sat there for ten minutes. All this time Jon’s heart was fluttering.

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Most things happen for a reason. Though, usually, the forces that be are immature enough that the reason is comedy.
— WeepingWisteria